Insulation Removal

Worker installing insulation in attic.

Safe and Efficient Attic Insulation Removal

Wood shavings being removed in preparation for 2" polyurethane spray foam vapour seal.
Wood shavings being removed in preparation for 2″ polyurethane spray foam vapour seal.

If you’re in a situation where removal of your existing attic insulation is necessary, Above All Insulation is here to help! We have a custom-built truck-mounted evacuation system and trained workers who can do your insulation removal safe and efficient.

Insulation Upgrade, Old Insulation Removal

The most common reason our customers remove their exiting attic insulation is to prepare for an insulation upgrade involving a vapour seal with 2″ of polyurethane spray foam followed by blown-in cellulose to bring it up to R-50. To acheive a perfect vapour seal, the existing insulation needs to move out of the way first. If you have experienced high condensation levels in your attic space, this full treatment is probably right for you.

When to Consider Attic Insulation Removal

Some other reasons for us to remove existing insulation are as follows:
• The insulation has been damaged by chronic exposure to moisture in the attic, whether caused by condensation or roof leakage.
• The home is going to be renovated and the insulation needs to move.
• Attic electrical work is to be done and the contractor prefers to have the insulation out of the way.
• The attic insulation has been damaged by vermin such as mice, squirrels, raccoons, or pigeons.

Attic insulation removed for 2" polyrethane spray foam vapour seal
Attic insulation removed for 2″ polyrethane spray foam vapour seal.
Evacuation truck vacuuming out existing insulation
Evacuation truck vacuuming out existing insulation.
Cathedral ceiling rafters emptied of existing wood shavings for 4" polyurethane spray foam treatment
Cathedral ceiling rafters emptied of existing wood shavings for 4″ polyurethane spray foam treatment.