Thermal Imaging

Using an infrared camera device for thermal imaging a home.

Beneath the Surface: Unveiling Your Home’s Hidden Energy Leaks

A thermal view of a home, indicating warm area, and showing where heat is escaping.
Thermal view of a home, showing warm areas, and indicating heat loss.

Winnipeg homes face some of the world’s most extreme temperature swings. This constant swing between scorching summers and frigid winters wreaks havoc on your home. Over time, the expansion and contraction of building materials can lead to hidden cracks, leaks, and insulation gaps. These unseen issues can translate to high energy bills and constant discomfort. But what if you could see and identify these problems before they become major headaches? That’s where thermal imaging (also known as infrared thermography) comes in – a powerful tool that reveals the hidden energy inefficiencies lurking within your walls. At Above All Insulation, our thermal imaging services and infrared cameras help Winnipeg homeowners make informed decisions about how to improve energy efficiency and protect their home in our unique and extreme climate.

What is Thermal Imaging?

Thermal imaging cameras detect and visualize variations in temperature, revealing hot and cold spots invisible to the naked eye. During a thermal imaging inspection, our certified technicians use infrared cameras to create a thermal profile of your home, highlighting areas where energy is escaping. This infrared technology is also known as infrared thermography.

Why Choose Above All Insulation for Thermal Imaging?

Above All Insulation is your trusted Winnipeg resource for comprehensive home energy solutions, thermal imaging services and infrared inspections. We leverage thermal imaging and our infrared cameras to empower you to make informed decisions about your home’s comfort and efficiency. Here are just a few reasons to choose Above All Insulation for infrared inspections:

  • Experienced Professionals: Our technicians are not only certified in thermal imaging but also possess extensive knowledge of Winnipeg’s climate and common home insulation issues.
  • Detailed Analysis: We don’t just provide thermal images; we create a comprehensive report that clearly identifies problem areas and prioritizes recommendations for targeted improvements.
  • Commitment to Quality: We use high-tech thermal imaging cameras to ensure accurate readings and detailed reports.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Thermal imaging can help you save money on energy bills by identifying areas where improvements can be made. A small investment in a thermal scan can lead to significant cost savings over time.

Benefits of Thermal Imaging

Darker areas show where heat is being lost from inadequate insulation.
Darker areas show where heat is being lost from inadequate insulation.
  • Improve Comfort: By identifying drafty areas and heat loss, thermal imaging can help create a more comfortable living environment throughout all seasons.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Early detection of moisture problems and potential electrical issues can prevent costly repairs down the road.
  • Peace of Mind: Gain valuable insights into your home’s overall efficiency and make informed decisions about future improvements.

Our Thermal Imaging Process

Your Above All Insulation estimator can use infra-red thermography to help determine sources of heat loss or inadequate insulation. Infra-red pictures can be taken either from the inside or outside of the house, and is best done in winter when there is a significant difference in temperature between inside and outside. The homeowner will be provided with a report with annotated IR photos. This report can provide guidance for remedial insulation upgrades and draft sealing. Here’s what you can expect when you schedule a thermal imaging inspection with Above All Insulation:

  1. Initial Consultation: We’ll discuss your concerns and answer any questions you may have about thermal imaging.
  2. Scheduling the Scan: Winter months are typically the best time for thermal imaging inspections, as the temperature difference between the inside and outside of your home is greatest.
  3. Conducting the Scan: Our technicians will conduct a thorough scan of your home’s interior and exterior, capturing thermal images of key areas.
  4. Analysis and Report Preparation: We will meticulously analyze the thermal images and generate a comprehensive report identifying problem areas with clear annotations.
  5. Reviewing Findings and Recommendations: We’ll walk you through the report, explain our findings in detail, and provide prioritized recommendations for addressing the identified issues.

What Can Thermal Imaging Detect?

Thermal imaging acts like a sixth sense for your home, revealing hidden issues that can drain your wallet and comfort in your home.These infrared inspections can expose energy leaks like missing insulation and drafty windows, pinpoint moisture problems from leaks before they cause mold growth, and even detect potential electrical hazards like overloaded circuits. Here’s what our thermal imaging services and infrared inspections can reveal:

Energy Loss and Insulation Issues:

  • Missing or Inadequate Insulation: Thermal imaging excels at revealing areas with insufficient insulation, allowing you to identify where upgrades are most beneficial.
  • Air Leaks Around Windows and Doors: Drafty windows and doors are a significant source of energy loss. Infrared inspections can pinpoint these leaks, helping you target areas for sealing.
  • Attic and Basement Leaks: Thermal imaging can identify poorly sealed attics and basements, where conditioned air escapes and allows unwanted outdoor temperatures to infiltrate your home.
  • HVAC System Inefficiencies: Thermal imaging can help identify inefficiencies in your ductwork, such as leaks or blockages, that can significantly impact heating and cooling performance.

Moisture Problems:

  • Water Leaks: Thermal imaging can detect hidden moisture problems behind walls, ceilings, and floors caused by leaks from plumbing issues, roof damage, or condensation. Early detection of moisture problems can prevent costly repairs and potential mold growth.

Electrical Issues:

  • Overloaded Circuits: Thermal imaging can reveal overloaded electrical circuits that pose a potential fire hazard. Hot spots around outlets and electrical panels can indicate potential problems.
  • Faulty Wiring: In some cases, thermal imaging can be used to identify faulty wiring behind walls, although it’s important to note that this may not be effective for all electrical issues.

Additional Applications:

  • Missing Radiant Barrier Installation: If your home utilizes radiant barriers (reflective insulation) in the attic, thermal imaging can help identify areas where it may be missing or improperly installed.
  • Animal Infestations: While not its primary use, thermal imaging can sometimes detect the presence of animals like rodents or insects within walls or crawl spaces based on temperature variations.

What You’ll Get From Above All Insulation’s Thermal Imaging Service

  • A Detailed Thermal Imaging Report: This report will include thermal images, clear explanations of identified problem areas, and prioritized recommendations for improvements.
  • Cost Savings Estimates: We’ll provide you with estimates of the potential cost savings you can achieve by addressing the identified energy leaks.
  • Improved Home Efficiency: With the insights gained from thermal imaging, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your home’s comfort and energy efficiency.