Rooftop Snow & Ice Dam Removal

Single detached stylish house on a sunny winter day

Don’t Let Winter Wonderland Turn into Winter Woe

Half storey ice dam.
Half storey ice dam on roof and rooftop snow accumulation.

Winter’s charm can quickly turn treacherous when it comes to your Winnipeg roof. While a fresh coat of snow might create a picture-perfect scene, it can also harbour hidden dangers. Heavy snow accumulation and the formation of ice dams can wreak havoc on your roof, leading to costly repairs down the road. Removal of the snow before it melts and those water trapping ice dams should be a high priority for you. At Above All Insulation we take rooftop snow removal seriously.

Understanding the Villain: Ice Dams 101

Diagram explaining how ice dams form from melting snow.
Diagram explaining how ice dams form from melting snow.

Ice dams are those menacing ridges of ice that form along the eaves of your roof, where warm air escapes from your attic and meets the frigid outdoors. This temperature disparity creates a melting and refreezing cycle. As snow melts closest to the warm attic space, the water runs down the roof until it reaches the colder eaves, refreezing and forming an ice dam. This dam acts like a barrier, preventing melted snow from draining properly and causing water to back up under the shingles.

Why Ice Dams Spell Trouble for Your Roof

These ice formations are more than just an eyesore; they pose a significant threat to your home’s structural integrity and interior well-being. Here’s how ice dams can turn a peaceful winter into a season of worry:

  • Roof Leaks: The water trapped behind the ice dam has nowhere to go but into your attic. This can lead to leaks that damage your insulation, ceilings, and drywall, creating costly repair needs and potential mold growth.
  • Structural Damage: The sheer weight of ice dams can put immense stress on your roof. Over time, this excessive weight can cause cracked shingles, sagging rooflines, and even damage to the underlying trusses, compromising the structural integrity of your entire roof.
  • Mold Growth: The dampness caused by trapped water behind ice dams creates a breeding ground for mold. Mold spores can travel through the air, posing serious health risks to your family.

Above All Insulation: Your Winter Roof Rescue Team

We’d rather not see you up on your slippery Winnipeg roof swinging an axe all weekend in an attempt to destroy that bothersome ice dam, all the while putting your own safety and your shingles at risk. Instead, why not entrust rooftop snow removal to our team of experienced professionals who have the specialized equipment to get the job done right, while you relax inside with a mug of hot cocoa and a good book? At Above All Insulation, we understand the importance of protecting your Winnipeg home from the harsh realities of winter. Our team of experienced professionals provides safe and effective Winnipeg rooftop snow removal and ice dam removal services. We utilize specialized tools and techniques to ensure a thorough yet gentle removal process that safeguards your roof from any damage.

Beyond Removal: Proactive Strategies to Prevent Ice Dams

While removing existing ice dams is crucial, prevention is always the best defence. Once we have solved the immediate issue of the snow and ice dams on your rooftop, plans should be made to prevent ice dam formation in the future, primarily through upgrading your attic insulation and ventilation. Our multiple departments will work together to equip your home to have the best possible defence against ice dams before next winter hits. Here are some proactive strategies you can take to prevent ice dams from forming in the first place:

  • Attic Ventilation is Key: Proper ventilation in your attic helps maintain a cooler temperature, preventing snow from melting prematurely near the eaves. Consider installing soffit vents and a ridge vent to create optimal airflow.
  • Harness the Power of Roof Heat Cables: Roof heat cables are installed along the eaves and act as a preventative measure. They generate low-level heat to melt snow before it accumulates and forms ice dams.
  • Regular Roof Maintenance is Your Ally: Scheduling regular roof inspections and maintenance with a qualified professional allows for early detection of any potential issues that could contribute to ice dam formation. This may include addressing poor insulation or ventilation issues, or repairing damaged shingles that could disrupt water flow.

Don’t Wait for Trouble to Knock: Take Action Today!

Winter doesn’t have to be a season of roof-related anxiety. By taking proactive measures to prevent ice dams and scheduling timely rooftop snow removal services when needed, you can ensure your Winnipeg roof remains strong and secure throughout the cold months. 

Contact Above All Insulation today for a snow and ice dam removal free consultation. Our team will assess your roof’s needs and recommend the most effective course of action to keep your home safe and worry-free.